Match Point, just fantastic

Match Point is about how the way luck can change everything. Actually, it starts like this: "the man who said "I'd rather be lucky than good" saw deeply into live".
It is a drama about how the obsession, the passion and the ambition can change the point of view to such an extent that they can even commit terrible acts.
I think that it is a brilliant film because it is an original idea very well captured in the film, not only because the actors and actresses perform it beautifully, especially Scarlett Johanson(I also love her performance in "The horse whisperer" and "Lost in Translation"), but also because the film is just fantastic.
Anyway, I know a lot of people who haven't seen this film, so if you are one of those people, don't think it twice, do and see it!
On the other hand, we are talking about Woody Allen, who I think is one of the best directors in the world."Match Point" isn't a comedy, but, however, it is fantastic!
Well, I'm looking forwald to your comments, bye!
Labels: cinema, films, Woody Allen
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