listen the silent...
One day our teacher, called Xoán, proposed us an activity. He told us to find a quite silent place and write everything what we heard there.
He told us that he had once visited a site ( where a man (with a recorder) recorded in a very quiet place everything he could hear, so he thought it could be a very good practise for us to do. Instead of recording it, we decided to write it, for two main reasons; 1st there aren't enough recorders for everyone and secondly, this is a ""Writing techniques" class, and this class obviously deals with writing.
In order to understand better the situation, you should know that we were all together sitting on a bench and that one of my classmates called Coral made a noise. Although it was a quite place, we were at school and there was noise.
And now comes my recording:
“-Ssssssssssssssssss...-it is heard constantly, it must be the wind. More intense at times.
-Kruaa, kruaa. ..krua,krua...KRUAA,KRUAA-a bird, sometimes...
-Piiiii-it sounds like a train.
-SSSSSS...-the wind blowing strongly now.Sometimes, it sounds like the sea.
-Ruuruuruu...-a train is passing...
-Pipipipi...- birds singing gently.
-Uuuu...-the wind sounds in my ears.
-KRUAA!KRUAA!-those birds once again.
-KRUAA! KRUAA! -new...
-Click, click, click, click- Coral striking the pen with her nail.
-Ruus..- Xoán shuffling the floor with his shoe. I hear the “Uuu.."of the wind in my ears...
-Bla, bla, bla...-far away, I can hear the students talking.
-Ras, ras, ras. ..-the leaves of the filing cabinet are passing with the wind.
-Sssss.. - The wind, again.
-Ras, ras, RAAAS! -a motorcycle on the road-RAAAAAA...S!
-Pan...pan...pan-Xoán walking.
-¡Clic, click!- the sound of a pen.
-Rass...-another motorcycle.
But there is always the same sound in the brackground...”
As you may see, even in the most silent places, there are lots of different sounds, that's why, from time to time, we should "listen" to the silent, something that can be very interesting.
What do you think about my recording? What about your opinions? How about commenting on what I have written?
Thanks and kisses.